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NEWS > 1574-2024 Anniversary Features > Pate House Celebrates 450th Anniversary

Pate House Celebrates 450th Anniversary

In 1574, Richard Pate founded his Schola Grammatica and a hospital or almshouse ‘for six old poor people'. A very special 450th anniversary tea party was held recently at the almshouse.
Pate House Trustees and Cheltenham's Mayor, Paul Baker
Pate House Trustees and Cheltenham's Mayor, Paul Baker

Richard Pate's Almshouse was originally located on the north side of Cheltenham High Street, opposite Rodney Road. In 1811, it moved to Albion Street and became known as 'Pate House'. It has ten single occupancy, one bedroom self-contained flats (which are all currently occupied) and is looked after by the Pate House Charity (a member of the Almshouse Association).

Entering into the spirit of the celebrations for the 450th anniversary of the foundation of Pate's Grammar School and the Almshouse, Pate House recently held an afternoon tea party for residents, trustees and guests. Among the invited guests was the Head of Pate's Grammar School, Dr James Richardson; the Head of The Richard Pate School, Robert MacDonald; Cheltenham Mayor, Paul Baker; The Richard Pate School Bursar, Lucy Cox; and former Cheltenham MP, Alex Chalk.

Gareth Gregory, Trustee Chair and an alumnus of the School, welcomed everyone. Noel Furley, former Trustee and Chair, then outlined the life of Richard Pate and the foundation of the school and almshouse, about which he shared some interesting facts. The original almshouse (with a garden), was situated on the High Street where John Lewis now stands; there were three women and three gentlemen residents; the residents had to attend Chapel twice a day for an hour each time and that it was owing to the Regency development of the town, that the almshouse moved in 1811 to its present site.

The Trustees were very pleased that Cheltenham's new Mayor, Paul Baker, was able to attend the event. Mr Baker, a Cheltenham Grammar School alumnus, spoke about the important role that almshouses still hold in the country and then fondly of his time in the Sixth Form (Noel was his Geography teacher!).

The photo shows the Trustees, connected to Pate’s either as alumni and / or former teachers or have family members who attended the School.

Photo outside Pate House from left to right:

Maggie Cowie - PGSG alumna and Volunteer Archivist at Pate's Grammar School

Claire Price - former Trustee of Greater London based 'Teachers Housing Association'

Nigel Hosken – CGS alumnus and Maths teacher CGS and PGS 1976 - 2019

Gareth Gregory – CGS alumnus

Paul Baker – CGS alumnus and Mayor of Cheltenham

Noel Furley - Geography teacher CGS and PGS 1964 - 1998 (also Head of Sixth Form at PGS) and former Pate House Trustee and Chair (Trustee for the last twenty-eight years)

Rosemary Rowland - former teacher and Chair of Governors at Rowanfield Junior School & Cheltenham Learning Alliance

Rob Rimell - CGS alumnus and Volunteer Archivist at Pate's Grammar School

Bob May - CGS alumnus, Geography teacher PGSG and PGS 1976 - 2009 and Deputy Head PGS 1986-2009

Trustees not in the photo

Bruce Buchanan 

David Lawrence - CGS alumnus

For further information about Pate House please follow the link Retirement accommodation in Cheltenham - Pate House Charity

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