We are giving you advance notice to get match fit for the annual Alumni sports matches! Return to Pate's on Wednesday 9th April 2025 to take part in the Alumni netball, hockey and football matches against the Pate's First teams.
All year / age groups welcome to play, former members of staff are welcome to referee and spectators are always appreciated!
The Sports:
Girls can choose Hockey or Netball or both
Boys can choose Hockey or Football or both
The Schedule:
1:15pm : Arrival at Pate's Main Reception to sign in and change
1:45pm : Mixed Hockey, Astro
2:45pm : Football, Fields
2:45pm : Netball, Courts
4:15pm - 5pm Refreshments with players and staff, Refectory
What to do next:
Save the date and buy your ticket here. Tickets are priced at £4 per alumni player and will include post match refreshments. During the booking process you will be asked to declare which team / s you wish to join and we will pass these details onto the PE Department to build their team sheets. If you have any queries about the booking process please email development@patesgs.org
If you're not already a member of Pate's Community we'd really encourage you to join - it's free and only takes a few minutes! Return to the Home page and click on the 'Join Us' button. Don't forget to upload a profile photo to make it easier for friends to re-connect with you!
If you have any questions about this event please email us development@patesgs.org